July Scoop

Did you get your July Summit Scoop?

The office emailed the July 2022 Scoop to those homeowners who are registered on the website at www.summithomeowners.com  

There are 2,480 homes in The Summit, and it's a secret how many homeowners have registered. My guess is "not many". I know some myself who have not registered, so they won't get the Scoop. 

If you are not registered on the website, you will not receive a Scoop electronically from the office.

Of course, that isn't what the message said in the May and June Scoops. That message directed readers to be sure their email address was on file with the office.

The HOA refuses to allow me to register on the website. I'm pretty sure it was Justin's decision. He told me I could read it on the homepage of the website.

And I could, if the office posted it there.

Yesterday the office emailed the July Scoop to those who are registered  but, so far, no one in the office has loaded the July Scoop to the link under Neighborhood News on the homepage. Obviously, that should have been the very next item on the checklist after the Scoop was emailed out.

You can try this link, but it may not work if you aren't registered on the website.

Actually, you won't miss much by not reading it. The Scoop could be so much better than it is. It could contain some real news (but it doesn't). 


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