Every Neighborhood (28) - 1 Voting Member, 2 Alternates
Every one of the 28 Neighborhoods in The Summit is to have one Voting Member and two Alternates.
These three homeowners in each Neighborhood serve for one year, until the next annual Neighborhood Meeting. Then the three-member Neighborhood Committee is elected again by the homeowners, and one becomes the Voting Member.
The Voting Member has important responsibilities to his Neighborhood, and these duties are listed on the HOA website. On the homepage, under Neighborhood News, scroll down.
Many (most) Neighborhoods have not been holding the annual Neighborhood Meeting that is required in the By-Laws. The Board is responsible for guiding the Voting Members. How is it doing?
The term of a Voting Member or Alternate is not perpetual. It's not a lifetime appointment, like an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. It's for one year.
Many Neighborhoods do not have two Alternates. Some Neighborhoods don't have any Alternates. At least one Neighborhood has no Voting Member and no Alternates.
Other Neighborhoods have Voting Members in name only; they don't do anything. They don't go to monthly board meetings. They don't communicate with the homeowners in their Neighborhoods. They don't look for problems, such as obvious defects (lawns going to seed, cars parked in yards). Some don't post any contact information.
Here's the rundown of Voting Members and Alternates from the July 2022 Summit Scoop. The first number is the Voting Member, if there is one; the second is the number of Alternates.
Abington 1-1
Amaryllis Woods 1-0
Autumn Glen 1-0
Autumn Hill 1-2
Autumn Run 1-1
Barony Place 1-0
Chapelwood 1-1
Courtyards at Founder's Ridge 1-2
Fawn Ridge 1-1
Founders Ridge 1-0
Glen Meadow 1-1
Hunters Pond 1-2
Indigo Springs 1-0
Lakes at Barony Place 1-2
Laurel Springs 1-2
Maywood 1-2
Oleander Mill 1-1
Pepper Knoll 1-0
Pine Brook 0-0
Pineclave 1-0
Ridge Crest 1-2
Stone Chapel 1-1
Summer Chase 1-0
Summer Hills III 1-1
Summit Hills IV 1-1
Summit Hills V 1-0
Waverly Place 1-0
Whitney Falls 1-2
Minutes for the December 2021 board meeting indicated that the Voting Members for Summer Chase and Waverly Place would be stepping down as soon as replacements were found, Apparently, replacements have not yet been found.
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