How many residents (non-homeowner residents)?

How many houses in The Summit are occupied by the homeowner and how many are occupied by residents whose names are not on the Deed?

According to the office, there are 2,480 homes in the Summit HOA. (According to Treasurer Vernell Butler (4/5/2022), there are 2,800 homes.)

Let's go with 2,480.

The office (CAMS) should know the number, from which the percentage of non-homeowner residents ("resident") can easily be calculated.

Why is the answer important?

Today, July 5, 2022, HOA President Justin Martin emailed me and stated, in part, "Unless you've become a home owner, you have no Home Owners Association business [sic] conduct, and you will be refused service."

Did he mean that every non-homeowner resident will be refused service by the HOA? 

If a sprinkler head is stuck on and gallons of water are being wasted by-the-minute, will the office refuse to accept the service call from a resident?

If a resident wishes to use one of the pools, will he be turned away?

Will the defibrillator at the pool not be used on a resident?

If a non-homeowner resident wants a copy of The Summit Scoop, will the office refuse to provide it?

Does Justin's statement apply to ALL non-homeowner residents or just to Gus Philpott?


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