Next Board Meeting - Tues., Aug. 2

The next board meeting of the HOA will be Tuesday, August 2, 2022, at 6:30PM. Location? Brookland Baptist Church Northeast, 1203 Summit Parkway.

The board does not publish an agenda, but it's time for the new Auditor to present her report for the Calendar Year 2021. 

Be prepared to ask questions. 

For example, you might ask "Why does the 2022 Budget provide $230,570 for Salaries, when the HOA has no employees?" 

You might ask, "Why does the Board allow a non-homeowner to serve on the board and as an officer?"

And "Why hasn't the Board declared the board seat of the late George Reynolds, who died in April 2021, vacant and appointed his successor?"

Arrive early for a good seat. In front is best, if you want to hear. If you can't hear everything that is said, speak up. Ask the board members and the speakers to raise their soft, low, Southern voices so that all can hear.

If you are a homeowner, you are entitled to attend. And without that silly "by invitation" nonsense that was mentioned in the March 2022 Minutes under New Business. It is YOUR association. Nothing in the By-Laws allows the board to close monthly meetings. 

Residents should be allowed to attend board meetings. Residents are valuable members of The Summit community. Residents are not second-class citizens. Many non-homeowner residents maintain their residences better than some homeowners.


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