Have you read the By-Laws, Art. VI, §4(a)?

By-Laws, Section 4. Books and Records

(a) Inspection by Members and Mortgagees. The Declaration, By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation, any amendments to the foregoing, the rules and regulations of the Association, the membership register, books of account, and the minutes of meetings of the Members, the Board, and committees shall be made available for inspection and copying by any holder, insurer or guarantor of a first Mortgage on a Unit, Member of the Association, or by the duly appointed representative of the foregoing, at any reasonable time and for a purpose reasonably related to his or her interest in the Unit at the office of the Association or at such other place within the Properties as the Board shall prescribe.

This Section applies to Board meetings, pre-board meetings, Neighborhood meetings, Annual Meetings of Voting Members, committee meetings, etc. 

Do you know that there are not any Minutes of Annual Meetings of the Voting Members? 

Those Annual Meetings are the most important meetings of the HOA, when directors are elected from a slate created by the Nominating Committee. Those Meetings should only be convened if a quorum (15) of the 28 Neighborhoods is present, and all those Voting Members should be legitimate Voting Members, selected from the Neighborhood Committee of three homeowners who were duly-elected by the homeowners in that Neighborhood in the previous 12 months.

This is where the breakdown occurs. At this time there may be only one (1) Neighborhood (Barony Place) with a legitimate Voting Member. 

Previous boards have allowed a homeowner to "get signatures" in his Neighborhood to become a Voting Member. That scheme is not recognized in the By-Laws!

Previous boards have looked the other way and allowed Voter Fraud to continue year after year. The directors and officers knew better (or should have known better), but they got away with it, because they had so many "friendly", hand-picked homeowners who called themselves "Voting Members".

The current "board" is not legitimate, because the directors have not been duly-elected. 

The current "board" needs to fix this problem before November 2024, or there won't be an election of directors.

Don't you think that the people in charge of your $2,000,000 in the bank and running a $1,400,000 annual budget ought to be legitimately in office?


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