Who is a Legitimate Voting Member?

How does a homeowner become a Voting Member in The Summit's HOA?

A popular way in recent years has been to "get signatures". A homeowner circulates through his (or her) neighborhood, asking homeowners to sign a form naming that person as Voting Member. It's a great scheme. And it's not legitimate.

Why not?

Because the By-Laws (Art V, Section 3) provide one specific method for becoming a Voting Member. And it's not "getting signatures".

Every year each Neighborhood is supposed to have a Neighborhood Meeting and elect a three-person Neighborhood Committee, which then selects one of the three to be the Voting Member for the next 12 months.

Voting Members elect directors. They can also remove directors. If they remove a director, then the VMs replace him (or her). Under specific circumstances, the BOD can name a successor director. 

The BOD has "conveniently" complied with the By-Laws when it suits them. Right now there is a vacancy on the board. Why hasn't the board named a successor to Tommy Williams?

When George Reynolds died in April 2021, the BOD left his seat empty for 19 months, until the election in November 2022! The HOA President at the time, Justin Martin, controlled the BOD. The other five directors could have moved forward but didn't. 

The same thing is happening now. Five directors (Bryant, Holmes, Potter, Rybicki, Pollin) could go against the President (Trapp). Will they do so at the August BOD meeting?

A seventh director is important to break the stalemate of a 3-3 vote. A tie-vote on a Motion fails.


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