Nanny State Prevails in the HOA

The HOA's office sent out a long email about fireworks and the upcoming Fourth of July holiday.

The email was totally unnecessary. Whether any homeowner or resident shoots off fireworks is absolutely none of the HOA's business.

If the office or the Board felt it necessary to send out any email at all, all it had to say was "Please be aware of Richland County's fireworks ordinance. If interested, see (link)." That's it!

The HOA has plenty of things to attend to; ex., legitimizing the Voting Members; legitimizing the Board of Directors; legitimizing the officers of the Board; overcoming the "monumental financial hurdle" of the HOA; solving the multi-year problems with the waterfalls at the entrance and the irrigation problems on Common Properties in many neighborhoods.

Why waste time on matters over which the HOA has no authority?


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