HOA Violates By-Laws and State Law

This morning I went to the HOA office to read the Report (Minutes) of the May 20, 2024 meeting of the Covenants Committee.  The office did not have it.

At the June 18th Board of Directors Meeting, the Chair of the Covenants Committee was out-of-town and a Committee member was to give the report. All he said was that the Committee had met in May and that the report had been sent to the Board. (Why didn't he just read the report?)

Later in the meeting I asked for the report to be read. Danny Trapp, President of the HOA, said the board hadn't received it.

No board member asked what the heck was going on!

On July 8 I emailed a request to the office to inspect the report. 

In the absence of any acknowledgement or reply, on July 11 I filed a Five-Day Demand (allowed under State law) to inspect the report. When I went to the office this morning (July 19), there was no report. The office manager said she didn't have it and that it had gone to the Board. The Board should have given it to the office manager to be filed in the HOA records. 

The By-Laws and State law allow this inspection. I will get it.

Some day, if I live long enough, I may understand why this HOA's board of directors operates the way it does.


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