
Nominating Committee of the HOA

At last night's Board meeting, questions were asked about the Nominating Committee. At the September 10th Board meeting, the President announced that Patricia Pollin had agreed to chair the committee. I wrote recently that she is a nice person, but she is the newest member of the Board. A person in the audience asked how many people are on the Nominating Committee and how they were chosen. Patricia began to search through papers in a file and never did say how many are on the committee. After a month, she should have know the answer. Five are on the committee (Michael Bryant, Carmen Claud, James Glenn, Jeff Lummel, Kristie O'Brian). The members of the committee are supposed to be appointed each year, but the HOA has been sloppy about doing that. Danny provided part of the answer but could not be heard in the room, because several people were talking at the same time. A man in the audience  could be heard saying,  "The chair makes the decision who is on the committee."

A Simple Question about Voter Fraud

No, I'm not talking about Voter Fraud on a national level. Should Voter Fraud be allowed right here, in our own community? How am I defining Voter Fraud? It occurs when people who are not eligible to vote, are allowed to vote. The HOA is scheduled to elect three Directors on November 12, 2024. Voting Members will elect three directors. However, there is only one (1) legitimate Voting Member out of the 28 Neighborhoods - far short of a quorum for the Annual Meeting of Voting Members. Discussion has started about amending the By-Laws. This cannot be done without the approval of the Voting Members. The requirement in the By-Laws cannot be met, because there is only one (1) legitimate Voting Member. The very first order of the HOA should be for each Neighborhood to hold a Neighborhood Meeting and elect a Neighborhood Committee, which then elects its chairman (Neighborhood Representative / Voting Member. Will the newly-appointed chair of the HOA's Neighborhood Committee, Reginald Ma

Correct date for election of Officers

When are officers elected, after new directors are elected at an Annual Meeting of Voting Members? Every November three or four (depending on the year) directors are elected at an Annual Meeting of Voting Members. Officers are then elected at an Organizational Meeting. According to the By-Laws (Art. III, B. Meetings . Section 8. Organizational Meetings ):  "The first meeting of the Board of Directors following each annual meeting of the membership shall be held within ten (10) days thereafter at such time and place as shall be fixed by the Board." Question: If the annual meeting of members (the Annual Meeting of Voting Members) is held on November 12, 2024 at 5:00PM to elect Directors, and then the Board meets on November 12 (the same day) at 6:30PM, isn't this Board meeting "the first meeting" of the Board of Directors after the annual meeting of the membership? It just happens to be on the same day as the election by the Voting Members, and it is within ten (1

No reasurer's report - again

One more monthly Board of Directors meeting has ended, and there was no Treasurer's report. A print-out of the August 31, 2024 financials was on the back table, but not a word was said by the Treasurer about the general financial condition of the HOA.  Remember how previous Treasurers used to say, "The HOA is in great shape financially"? It wasn't true, but it was always nice to hear. I haven't heard that even once in 2025.  There was mention of renewing a CD. And the Treasurer said, "We made a decision..." When was that? At the secret, private, closed, pre-board meeting last week? I thought they had stopped making decisions in secret earlier this year! (Except at the end of May, when they approved the "No Guns" sign on the gate to the office and pool.) The Board fails to discuss or approve the increasing variances clearly shown on Page 1 of the monthly Financial Overview Report. Why are those categories over-budget by so much in just eight mon

HOA's Nominating Committee

At this time of year the HOA's Nominating Committee takes on importance. What is it and what does it do? From the Summit HOA's website on 10/1/2024: Nominating Mission: Provides quality candidates to hold office on the Board. Candidates will be of the highest caliber, selected for interpersonal skills, dedication to the betterment of our Association and community, and free of any personal agenda Open , Chair.   Michael Bryant, James Glenn, Jeff Lummel, and Kristie O'Brian. You'll notice that the position of Chair is shown as Open. Is it? At the September 10 monthly board meeting, President Danny Trapp announced that he had appointed Director Patricia Pollin as Chair of the Nominating Committee. She is the newest member of the board, having been appointed to succeed Greg Thomas, who resigned shortly after being elected in November 2023. Sheis a nice person, but should an experienced Board member have been appointed? With good coaching and support, there is no reason why

Ask this $$$ Question Again

At the monthly board of directors' meetings the Treasurer makes numerous motions to expenditures, such as for tree removals requested by Green Earth, the HOA's landscaping contractor.  All expenditures over $200 now require the approval of the board. The previous threshold for approval by the board was $800, but late last year the then-office manager blew through that by authorizing $8,000 for a sign, even though she was just supposed to obtain bids. Earlier this year a member of the Finance Committee asked the Treasurer at a board meeting whether the requested expenditures were coming out of the budget. I don't recall the answer. The question should be asked again. As of the July 31, 2024 monthly financial report, the Annual 2025 Budget for Contract Landscaping (Line 6020) is $505,780.00. 7/12 of that is $295,038.31. The actual amount spent through July 31 is $294,805.00. The monthly contractual payment is $42,148.33. The August 31st financial report should be available at

Will Chaos Continue at October 1st BOD Meeting?

At the September 10th board of directors meeting, chaos ensued at the end of the meeting when President Danny Trapp made an announcement about the Projects Committee. He stated he was dissolving the Projects Committee and moving it out of the Finance Committee. Then he said that (Secretary) Tanisha Holmes had agreed to chair the Projects Committee. A woman's voice (VP Brenda Bryant?) could be heard ask if the Board had to vote on that, and Danny said it did not. She should have called "Point-of-Order" and asked the board to vote on whether Danny could appoint a committee chair without the board's vote. Director Dennis Rybicki said Danny couldn't do that (dissolve the Projects Committee) because it was a Standing Committee. Actually, it's not. It is listed as an "Other Committee" (PRM, Art. II Section C(2)), following the section on Standing Committees. Considerable argument and disagreement followed. Danny said the Project Committee hadn't been d