August Scoop

If you live in Barony Place, did you get your August Scoop yet?

At least one house did not. 

But in another neighborhood, they got theirs on Sunday. Or maybe it was on Saturday. And the office got its copy already.

The August Scoop has been posted to the Summit HOA website. To find it, go to
Hover over RESIDENTS, and then left-click on DOCUMENTS,
Then left-click on The Monthly Scoop.

When you look at the September Calendar, you'll see that the Board meets on the second Tuesday, not the first. That change was not mentioned at the August board meeting.

Board meetings should be held on the first Tuesday. Changing them results in conflicts with other regularly scheduled meetings, such as Richland 2 School District.

I wonder how many homeowners will show up on September 7 for the meeting. None, I guess, since it will be a Zoom meeting. 

The Board has not yet appointed anyone to chair one of the most important board committees, the Neighborhoods Committee. That is the committee which should be providing guidance to the Neighborhood Representatives about holding the required Annual Neighborhood Meetings and Neighborhood Elections. 

The Board also failed to discuss the required Annual Meeting of the Voting Members, which is supposed to be held between Sept. 2 and Oct. 2. 

EDIT. 8/20/21 I emailed the board today to ask if any board member knows when the August Scoop will be delivered to Barony Place II homeowners. If anyone replies, I'll let you know. In the meantime, call the office and ask where your copy is.

Are you aware of the party being thrown tomorrow for the Neighborhood Representatives? I was hoping to see something in the Scoop that let homeowners know how to express their appreciation to the Neighborhood Reps. Apparently, it's a secret - paid for by the HOA (your dues) but excluding you from attending. If you think that you should be expressing the appreciation and that you should be at the party, show up tomorrow, Saturday, August 21, at 3:00PM at Myrtle Pool.


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