Neighborhood Rep Appreciation Party, Aug. 21

On Saturday (August 21) from 3:00PM to 6:00PM a Neighborhood Representative Appreciation Party is planned at Myrtle Pool 

Have you been invited? Do you know about it?

An invitation was sent by the office to the Voting Members (VM). The board created it. Was it publicized in The Scoop? Will it be, whenever the August Scoop is delivered?

Who is expressing appreciation to the Neighborhood Reps (also called Voting Members?

Is it the appreciation of 2,500 homeowners, on whose behalf they serve?

Do the homeowners want to thank the VMs for their faithful duty to represent them? For paying attention to what the board is doing and how it is doing it? For the regular communications with their constituents (the homeowners in their Neighborhoods)? For representing the homeowners before the board and carrying problems and grievances to the board?

Are there very many Voting Members who actually do that? Yes, there are a few. 

But Barony Place (Barony Place I and Barony Place II) has not had any Neighborhood Meetings or Neighborhood Elections in 3½ years. This means there is no legitimate Neighborhood Representative/Voting Member for the Barony Place Neighborhood. Seventy-eight (78) homes are unrepresented before the board. 

Billie Jones' name is on the list of Voting Members, but she has not attended one board meeting in 2020 or 2021. It looks to me like she is not a legitimate Voting Member. The last time Barony Place had a Voting Member at a board meeting was in October 2019.

Will the pool (that you pay for) be closed to Members and guests for the party on Saturday?

Who is paying for the party? Are your dues paying for it? What is the estimated cost?

Or is it the board that is expressing its appreciation to the Voting Members for electing them and then not paying attention to what they (the members of the board) are doing? Is the p,arty really an electioneering activity, with the board hoping that the four directors whose terms expire this year will be re-elected?

To find out how many Voting Members and/or Alternates attend a board meeting, you can examine the Board Minutes. If the VM attends, his/her name will be shown on Page 1 of the Minutes. You won't even have to hunt for the names.

Many Neighborhoods do not have two Alternates. Some Neighborhoods don't even have one Alternate. Some Neighborhoods (Autumn Glen, Indigo Springs, Lakes of Barony Place, Summit Hills IV) don't even have one Voting Member (or any properly-elected VM).

One of the reasons for missing VMs and Alternates is that the board has not appointed anyone to chair the Neighborhood Committee of the Board. This is one of the most important committees of the Board. Yet the board leaves that chair empty. There was some discussion, but no action, at the August 3rd board meeting. For this important committee the board president should make a nomination, and the entire board should vote. Or he can appoint, with the advice and consent of the board. 

Comments, anyone?


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