Neighborhood Rep. (Voting Member) Appreciation Party

Your HOA Board of Directors is holding a Neighborhood Representative (Voting Member) Appreciation Party on Saturday, August 21, 2021, from 3:00-6:00PM at Myrtle Pool. (NOTE: This party may NOT be for Homeowners or Resident.)

Are you, the homeowners, invited? Will the pool be closed to homeowners that afternoon? Will masks and social distancing be enforced?

Here is how the invitation is worded: "In honor of all the hard work you do to help make The Summit an amazing community to live in, the board of directors would like to invite you to an appreciation party! Please join us on August 21st from 3 to 6 pm at the Myrtle Pool for food and fun! ***We will keep you updated if this date changes due to COVID restrictions***"

Who is paying for it? There is no reason to think that the six board members will personally pay for it. So, quite likely, YOU are paying for it.

"In honor of ..." Seriously? Don't they mean "In recognition of..."?

"all the hard work" they do? Like what? Like showing up once a year to vote for a stacked slate of directors? 

Look at the duties and responsibilities of the Voting Members. The list is on the HOA website. Look on the homepage and click on "Neighborhood News". Scroll down a little and read the Voting Members/Alternates Memo. I'll venture a guess that most of the Voting Members don't even know it's there and haven't read it.

The Voting Members of the 28 Neighborhoods are the homeowners' first line of defense against actions by the board of directors. The VMs elect the Directors (and can remove them). Being a Voting Member is a highly responsible position. They are accountable to the homeowners in their Neighborhoods.

The Voting Members' job is NOT just to elect Directors once a year, although some may have been told that when they were recruited. Twenty-eight Voting Members (IF all Neighborhoods are represented; they aren't) represent almost 2,500 homeowners. The Nominating Committee should give you a slate of qualified candidates. If it doesn't, find people who are qualified and ask them to be willing to serve.


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