Find Four New Directors for HOA. Actually, five.

The following was posted today on

"The terms of four Directors of the HOA expire this year. Terms are ending for Martin, Thomas, Game and Hill. Plus the Board still needs to declare the board vacancy caused by George Reynolds' death in April and Appoint his successor for the balance of the two-year term. 

The Nominating Committee is slow off the starting blocks. They should have had the slate of candidates ready by now. The Voting Members are supposed to hold their annual meeting between September 2 and October 2.

Do you know someone who would be really good on the board? Someone with business experience? Someone with leadership skills? Someone who will insist on compliance with the By-Laws? Leaders, not followers, are needed. Do you know a CPA who would be a good Treasurer of the HOA (not the accountant or CPA "for" the HOA). Find candidates now, so that they will have time to lobby the Voting Members for their election. Provide their names to the office and here, so that the Nominating Committee doesn't bury the names of interested people."

Do you know someone who would serve on the Board of the HOA?

This week I found problems in the Proposed Budget for 2021, as posted on the HOA website. The Approved Budget for 2021 is not posted. Why not?

Five line entries under Expenses are posted as Salaries. They are not Salaries. The HOA has no employees.

I called two of those line items to the attention of the HOA more than a year ago and was told that the Office Employees and Safety Officer would be removed from Salaries and then classified correctly under Contracts.

The women in the office are CAMS employees, not employees of the HOA. The Safety Officer is contracted through the sheriff's department. The RCSD deputy should be providing extra hours over and above his actual duty hours. For $40,000/year the Summit should be getting dedicated additional hours.

The late Treasurer and the Auditor apparently never questioned the error in classification. By classifying the office staff as Salaried, it reduces the amount shown as being paid to CAMS, and homeowners inspecting the budget would be misled about the smaller amount. Adding On-Site Management of $140,000 to Management Fees of $75,500 means that the HOA is paying CAMS $215,500 annually. Plus amounts paid to two subsidiaries of CAMS. 

Why didn't the former Treasurer make certain that the Approved 2021 Budget was posted on the HOA website? Why didn't the CAMS Manager make sure it was?

The Board just rushed through approval of a two-year extension of the CAMS contract, without discussion. Ouch. 


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