Ugliest House in The Summit

Have you driven by this house in Summer Chase? The address is 2 Gardenhill Drive.
You can't miss it. How did it ever end up this color?

One explanation I heard is that the owner painted it without submitting a Form 201 to the Modifications Committee. When he got challenged on it, he submitted a Form 201, and this was approved.

The correct decision by the Modifications Committee should have been to deny his Form 201 and tell him the house color had to be one that would fit in with the other 2,400+ homes in The Summit. Why did the Committee allow that color? Were they just too weak to tell the owner that it's too bad he didn't submit his 201 before he painted?

Without knowing the date of the hidious paint job and the Form 201, it is impossible to know who was responsible for the decision. Whoever it was, belongs off the Modifications Committee and off the Board of Directors. 

Current members of the Modifications Committee are Justin Martin (president of the HOA), James Glenn, Pat Hill, Jesse McClinton, Kristie O'Brian, and Danielle Scandrol. If you know any of them, ask them why the Committee ever approved that color. The person you are asking may not have been on the Committee at that time. To get the full impact of the color, drive by 2 Gardenhill Drive.

And check out the shed that has popped up in the backyard. That shed, painted to match the house, is a prime example of why the 10'x10'x10' dimensions should never have shown up in the Referendum. 

That monstrosity is jammed right against the fence with the neighbor's property. If I owned the house next door, I'd be suing the HOA, because of the size and the color.

Maybe Justin shouldn't be the chair of the Modifications Committee. That committee needs a responsible leader who will maintain the architectural integrity of The Summit. 

Maybe Justin shouldn't even be on the board any longer. He's up for re-election. This fall will be a good time to "retire" him.


  1. They knocked down my putting a white vinyl lattice to block my crawl space door & dryer vent on the cul-de-sac side of my house! Ha-Ha-Ha!!!


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