Board Members and Terms

Would it be helpful to the Members of the SCA to know when terms-of-office end for HOA board members? Shouldn't that information be posted on The Summit's website? And who the officers are?

Of course, that would mean that a board member's name and office would be posted on the website - which they are not. What's the secret?

The current line-up is

President, Justin Martin (2021-2023)

Vice President, Auby Dellinger (2020-2022)

Secretary, Greg Thomas (2021-2023)

Treasurer, Vernell Butler (2020-2022)


Brenda Bryant (2021-2023)

Mary Ann Game (2021-2023)

Paul Hill (2021-2023)

The election of officers was conducted in secret at a pre-board meeting (workshop) on November 30th and announced to the Members on December 7th. Justin had his slate all picked out and suggested it. Each officer should have been elected individually, with nominations from the other directors.

You'll quickly see that five directors are serving terms of 2021-2023. This is wrong. The By-Laws state that four directors should have been elected. But this was how Justin wanted it.

George Reynolds' unexpired two-year term (2020-2022) is still vacant. The board has never declared the vacancy. The board has never appointed a successor to fill that unexpired term. Instead, Justin wanted a 5th director elected in November 2021 and for that director to serve a two-year term, not the one-year remaining of George's term. That does not comply with the By-Laws.

One of the five elected in November will have to go. But which one? Should the five draw straws? Does the one drawing the short straw leave? What if Justin draws the short straw?

The muck is getting deeper and deeper.


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