Open Letter to HOA Board

Following is the email I have sent to the HOA board today.

Are you willing to insist on a board meeting tonight? The meeting should be held as announced in the December and November issues of the Summit Scoop. There is time for CAMS to send out the Zoom meeting link. Who decided to cancel the meeting? Did the board agree?

Are you concerned that the 2022 Budget has not been finalized yet? Tonight you could demand that the Proposed Budget be reviewed as is and question the President and the Treasurer why the Budget wasn't finished in 2021? Demand to know why the Finance Committee didn't finish their work? Are there too many board members on the Finance Committee?

Could you receive a report from CAMS tonight on the estimated $30,000 to be spent repairing the sign and pergola at Summit Parkway and Summit Ridge Drive? Are you satisfied with the pace of repairs? Should the SCA have proceeded with repairs, regardless of any insurance company's reimbursement timetable? The repairs have to be made. Why not get work started? The SCA is not broke.

Could you receive an estimate of the cost to repair the brick wall on Clemson Road? Will you order the repairs, regardless of efforts to collect from the driver who caused the damage?

Could you request a full report tonight from the Modifications Committee (to be presented in February) on all the Forms 201 received in 2021 and the decisions made? If a proper spreadsheet was kept up-to-date through the year, then it would take 15 minutes to summarize it.
Number received
Number approved
Number denied
Number pending
Report of types of 201s received and number thereof

The Modifications Committee is not a secret committee. Its reports have been incomplete and vague every month, to the point that it is impossible to know what is happening.

Could you discuss why the December Scoop didn't come out until December 22nd? Did the board ever make a decision that the Scoop should come out at the beginning of the month? I remember "talk" and no decisions.

Do you realize that you, the board, never decide anything by a vote? Justin announces, and you assent by your silence. 

Example: you don't even approve the Minutes of a meeting, yet the Minutes state that the "board approved". For you, as a board, to approve the Minutes, somebody has to make a motion. Somebody else has to second it, there ought to be discussion, and then there should be a vote. Most of the monthly Minutes contain errors and omissions, which should be corrected. Minutes should be approved as amended. The office cannot make corrections that are not approved by the board.

Votes on Motions (action) should be recorded in the Minutes as 
For (number)
Opposed (number)
Abstain (number)
Not present at vote (number)
The total is to be seven, the number of directors.
Then the vote should be announced as Passed or Failed. A tie-vote fails.

All seven director positions should be recorded on every vote.

Gus Philpott


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