January 2022 Scoop Critique

The following message has been sent to the HOA Board of Directors. If you agree with any of it, chime in. The Board has gone into hiding with its email addresses. Although board members' names are shown on Page 2 of the Scoop each month, there is now no contact information for them in the Scoop or on the HOA's website. 

The board is apparently forcing homeowners (and lucky residents) to use the webform on the website's "Contact Us" page. You may or may not ever find out if any board members see your submission. 

Show up at monthly board meetings on Zoom. Be sure to get the link from the office. Phones might even be working again this week. If not, email TRigon@camsmgt.com or ARedfern@camsmgt.com

Members of the Board,

More reasons why the Board should appoint a board member or Member to chair the Scoop:

January issue in newspaper box on morning of Jan. 24. 

What about the many homes that do not have newspaper boxes? Are Scoops still thrown on the ground?

Senior Luncheon was held January 19. Location for January was changed from restaurant announced in December. 

I suggest a contact name and phone/email for the Senior Luncheon, so that anyone planning to attend can confirm its location.

"Did You Know"? Do you think residents still have their Christmas decorations up? If they do, it should addressed individually. Why waste Scoop space? 

Look at the impersonal wording: "decorations for holidays must be removed within 15 days after the event." Event???

Late delivery of the Scoop means homeowners get only one week's warning of the last day to pay dues on-time, Jan. 31. What about the homeowners who don't have newspaper boxes and who will not receive the Scoop?

The Dues Notice was dated October 28, 2021. What kind of idiotic planning does it take to send out a Dues Notice two months before a due date and during an approaching holiday season? Who ordered that? The Finance Committee? The Treasurer? Any board member? Or did CAMS decide that? How many Notices got "lost" in piles of paper during the holidays?

Why isn't there a reminder of the Dues Date on the homepage of the website?

Why isn't there an email blast to all homeowners about the dues date and deadline?

Upcoming Board Meetings

Why is the January 4, 2022 meeting still shown?

Who authored the "Happy New Year" message on Page 5? He or she left out "A good time will be had by all." (sarcasm)

Obviously, the January Scoop should have been distributed before the King Day of Service. Who authored that column?

Please report at the February 1 meeting how many calls-for-service Deputy Cuzzupe is receiving from Summit residents and how many of those are after-hours. Is he charging time for answering each phone call?

Calls to Deputy Cuzzupe from residents, other than Paul Hill and whoever the successor office contact is now, unnecessarily run up the HOA's bill for hours under the Special-Duty Agreement with RCSD.

The January Scoop should have contained some message about the phone lines being out for 2-3 weeks, with an honest explanation of the reason/cause.

Why was there no report of repairs to the sign and pergola at Summit Parkway and Summit Ridge Drive or to the brick wall on Clemson Road?

Why was there no report on the approved 2022 budget? (You know the answer to that; it hasn't been approved yet!)

The good news? The January Scoop has already been posted to the website.

More bad news? Few residents or homeowners will find it. It needs to be on the Homepage of the website. Also, an email blast could be sent to all homeowners and residents that the Scoop has been published and where it can be viewed on the website.

The website is dead. When it goes stale for so long, people stop reading it. I suggest bringing some life back to it. Make it vibrant. Make it inviting. Then people will use it. 

Gus Philpott


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