Parking Violations on Barony Place Circle

If you live on Barony Place Circle (Barony Place II) and receive a parking violation letter from the HOA office, be sure to let me know.

The CC&Rs do not apply to the street, which is publicly-owned and -maintained by Richland County.

I have a copy of the Deed by which Barony Place Circle was conveyed by Mungo to Richland County. There is no mention whatsoever of the homeowners' association or the CC&Rs. Without that, the County owns the street. The only "rules" that apply are the County ordinances and State laws, which are enforced by the Richland County Sheriff's Department and the S.C. Highway Patrol.

Know the laws. Know your rights. 

Let me know if you receive a warning letter or, as the HOA calls it, a "Courtesy Letter" or "Courtesy Warning."

If you live elsewhere in The Summit, you'll have to find out whether your streets were conveyed to the County "subject to the CC&Rs". It's possible to learn that. (It took me almost two years.)


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