One solution for speeders on the Parkway

The following email was sent on January 23rd to the Lieutenant of the RCSD Traffic Team, two Region 7 officers at RCSD, the "safety officer" (Deputy Cuzzupe) and the HOA board members.

 Good afternoon, Lt. Dowdy,

I am writing with a suggestion for curbing speeding on Summit Parkway between Hard Scrabble Road and Clemson Road. The worst problems are weekday rush-hours, after school (when Ridge View H.S. lets out), evenings, nights and week-ends. I am a resident in Barony Place II (in The Summit). I am not on any committee of the homeowners association and do not speak for the board of directors or the HOA. I am a former deputy sheriff and motorcycle patrol officer.

Would you consider putting a deputy from the RCSD Traffic Team on foot "in the bushes" along Summit Parkway with a radar gun? He could act as a spotter for two-three deputies farther down the roadway, who would stop speeders and ticket them (No warnings, please). The HOA has a Special-Duty Agreement with RCSD and has $40,000+ in the annual budget for RCSD. The Board could probably be persuaded to devote some funds toward speed enforcement. At just about every monthly board meeting, residents complain about speeders on the Parkway, but there is no effective action the HOA can take. 

The Summit HOA might be willing to publicize your success by reporting the number of tickets issued each week in the monthly Summit Scoop.

Deputies in squad cars have an impossible task to make a dent in the speeding problem. Speeds daily might be as high as 70MPH in the 35MPH speed zone. Writing one ticket-at-a-time will never stop the problem. As soon as deputies leave, speeds go right back up.

A contact for you on the Summit's Safety Committee is Paul Hill, chair. His email is  His phone is 803.603.1437. (The HOA office phone number (803.865.0609) was disconnected about two weeks ago and may be re-connected soon)

Thanks for any help you can provide. 

Gus Philpott

Treasurer Vernell Butler was first to respond with "Gus not your lane."


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