August BOD Meeting - Nominating Committee
At the August 2, 2022 regular board meeting, attention should have been given to the Nominating Committee. It wasn't.
Some might like this is too soon. It's not.
Voting Members are to meet 30-60 days before the end of the fiscal (calendar) year to elect three* Directors for the 2022-2024 term-of-office.
Before they meet, the Nominating Committee is to select a slate of candidates for election.
And before that, the Nominating Committee must be appointed. According to the By-Laws (Art. III, Section 5):
"The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors not less than thirty (30) days prior to each annual meeting of the Voting Members to serve a term of one (1) year or until their successors are appointed."
Notice that the Nominating Committee, according to the By-Laws, is not a Standing Committee (although this and recent boards have considered it to be).
And before that, every one of the 28 Neighborhoods should have a legitimate Voting Member in place.
Before that, every one of the 28 Neighborhoods should have had their Neighborhood Meetings, held the Neighbor Annual Elections of the three-member Neighborhood Committee, and selected the Voting Member and two Alternates. (Alternates cannot cast votes to elect Directors.)
If the BOD election by the VMs is held on November 4, 2022, this means the Nominating Committee must be appointed by about October 3, 2022. That's only one meeting after the next BOD meeting on September 6. And that leaves only one month to find and decide on candidates, organize interviews, prepare ballots, and organize the election.
* Three Director positions are open for election in November 2022. The 2020-2022 term-of-office of Vernell Butler, Auby Dellinger, and the vacant term of the late George Reynolds. That board position has never been declared vacant, and the Board has never appointed a successor to Reynolds.
Director Dennis Rybicki will not be up for election in November 2022, because he was appointed by the board to fill the remainder of the late Paul Hill's two-year (2021-2023) term-of-office. Dennis' term expired in November 2023.
The correct election of three in November 2022 will present a HUGE problem, because the board (incorrectly) allowed five (not four) directors to be elected in November 2021. This will result in a seven-member board having eight (8) members, including the one who is not entitled to be a member (because he is not a homeowner (on the deed of record)).
Somebody needs to come along and drain the swamp.
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