August BOD Meeting - Voting Members

At the August 2, 2022 Regular monthly Board Meeting,  Neighborhood Committee (of the Board) chairman Jesse McClinton reported that 24 of the 28 Neighborhoods have Voting Members. Four Neighborhoods do not have representation. Jesse was appointed in October 2021. This is August 2022. Why isn't the Board paying closer attention???

The Minutes state, in part, "...perspective [sic] homeowners are obtaining the necessary signatures to become the voting member."

Did Jesse say "perspective" or did the recording secretary for the meeting insert the wrong word. The correct word is "prospective".

But the IMPORTANT part in his report is that "obtaining the necessary signatures" is not the way a Voting Member is selected! Nothing in the By-Laws allows that method.

I have pointed out to the board for months (more than a year) that that scheme of getting signatures does not produce legitimate Voting Members. 

Every Neighborhood is supposed to have one Voting Member and two Alternates. The By-Laws are specific about this.

Every one of the 28 Neighborhoods is supposed to have an Annual Meeting and an Annual Election of a three-person Neighborhood Committee. One of those three becomes the Voting Member. The VM and the Alternates serve for one year, until the next Annual Meeting of each Neighborhood.

Barony Place Neighborhood has not had a Neighborhood Meeting in more than four years. So, does it have a legitimate Voting Member (Neighborhood Representative)? The correct answer is "No".

Two good-hearted homeowners have agreed to serve as Alternates in Barony Place and they are collecting signatures now. Their efforts and willingness to serve are to be commended. But why aren't they gaining the position by following the By-Laws?

Shouldn't the Board and its appointed committee chairmen be following the By-Laws???


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