Elect Directors who will comply with CC&Rs

An important election will be coming up in November 2022, and I'm not talking about National and State elections. I mean, the Summit HOA election for directors.

The first question that homeowners should ask is, why hasn't the board declared George Reynolds' seat vacant? George died in April 2021. He had been re-elected to the board in November 2020 for a two-year term ending in November 2022.

The board never declared his seat vacant and has never appointed a successor to serve his unexpired term (to November 2022). His seat is still empty.

Voting Members should be all over the board for not complying with the By-Laws. Homeowners should be climbing all over the 28 Voting Members and demanding to know why they are not holding the board of directors accountable for complying with the By-Laws.

The board erred in November 2021 by announcing five (5) director positions open for election. Five directors were elected in November 2021: Martin, Game, Hill, Thomas, Thomas, Bryant. Paul Hill died in office in April 2022, and the board appointed Dennis Rybicki to succeed Hill.

The By-Laws require election of three directors in November 2022, and this will bring the total number of directors to eight (8), not the seven it is is supposed to be.

The terms of Butler, Dellinger and Reynolds (deceased) expire in November 2022.

The By-Laws aren't that complicated. They are written in plain English. If the board members can't understand them, surely the CAMS manager could explain them. That's what a professional HOA manager is for; right? If that fails, the HOA attorney could provide legal advice.

Of course, the board would have to ask for that advice and should pay for it.


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