Has Summit HOA filed tax returns?
Has the Summit Community Association, Inc. (SCA) filed the required tax returns over the past years?
The SCA is apparently not a tax-exempt organization (501(c)(4)), according to the IRS. It is not listed as such on www.irs.gov and no record exists on the IRS website for Forms 990 (or any version).
The HOA may be a §528 Homeowners organization with preferential tax treatment, but the HOA Treasurer and CAMS are unwilling to answer questions from me. I am just a lowly resident, not a homeowner.
Where are the homeowners who are willing to ask important questions?
I find nothing in board Minutes about authorizing the preparation of tax or financial documents. If the HOA does file tax documents to claim and retain preferred tax-free treatment, shouldn't it discuss it at board meetings and authorize certain officers to prepare and file those documents?
That is often done by Resolution, duly noted in Minutes and preserved for future reference.
Shouldn't CAMS be guiding the volunteer officers of the SCA in performing their duties to the SCA?
The SCA pays CAMS approximately $200,000/year for management services, including salaries for office staff and accounting services. That's approximately 11.2% of the annual income. ($140,000 + $75,500)/$1,320,050. Other monies are paid to CAMS' affiliates for services.
More interested and concerned homeowners are needed on Committees, especially the Finance Committee. Every month bills and accounts payable should be carefully scrutinized and then authorized for payment. Currently, too many board members control committees. More transparency is needed and should be demanded.
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