Does "getting signatures" result in a valid Voting Member or Alternate?

Last October (2021) the HOA Board appointed Jesse McClinton, a homeowner in the Amaryllis Woods Neighborhood, as chairman of the board's Neighborhood Committee. Attempts were made earlier this year to hold meetings of Voting Members, but less than a quorum showed up and neither meeting could be held.

Recently in several neighborhoods homeowners are being asked to sign "Neighborhood Signature Sheets". This scheme (procedure, method) was created several years ago as a replacement for Neighborhood Meetings. Nowhere in the By-Laws is this scheme described or approved.

A homeowner's signature on the Sheet purports to verify certain permissions that are not granted in the By-Laws. Did the HOA's attorney prepare that Sheet? I seriously doubt it.

Board members should demand an examination of the By-Laws regarding Neighborhood Meetings, Neighborhood Elections, duties and responsibilities of Voting Members, and other documentation that the board should preserve regarding the Neighborhoods. Does the Board have records for each Neighborhood of the dates of Meetings, Elections, names of Voting Members and Alternates?

The HOA's attorney should be involved in this examination, because By-Laws have been disregarded for years.

What is CAMS doing to see that the HOA toes the line on compliance with the By-Laws? As a professional, full-time, HOA management firm, it should be fully informed on the By-Laws. The CAMS manager should be coaching the volunteer officers and board members on compliance matters.


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