2-Year Look-back on Past-Due Dues - Not Pretty!

At the June 6, 2023 HOA board meeting homeowners were upset at the amounts of unpaid dues shown on the April 30th Financial Statements.

Disregarding, for the time-being, the $8,908.30 that is 30 days past due and the $17,675.46 that is over 60 days, the amount that is over 90 days is $420,449.59!

As I typed this, I wondered where the "30 days past due" comes from. Aren't semi-annual dues due January 1, and late on February 1. So, any amount not paid by February 1, and still unpaid, would be more than 90 days past-due. Why are any amounts shown for 30 days past-due and 60 days past-due?

$294,171.42 was 90 days past due, as of 7/31/2021 *.
$343,403.68 was 90 days past due, as of 4/30/2022.
$420,449.59 was 90 days past due, as of 4/30/2023.

* The past-due dues information appears for the first time on financial reports for the Month of July 2021. That was three months after long-time treasurer, George Reynolds, died in April 2021. Paul Hill succeeded George and became Treasurer. Paul died in April 2022, and Vernell Butler became Treasurer.

Look at those past-due balances growing.

Who was responsible for watching those amounts increasing? The Treasurer. And the Finance Committee. And the Board!

And the "professional HOA Management Company" should have been alerting the Board and making recommendations about changes needed to stem those negative changes.

Who said last night, "We're tracking it."


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