2022 Audit - where is it?
At the June 6th board meeting the Auditor presented the 2022 Audit. There were few, almost no, details. The Audit has not yet been posted to the HOA's website. When CAMS finally gets around to it (or gets the OK from the HOA's President or Treasurer), you can find it by going to www.summithomeowners.com > RESIDENTS > DOCUMENTS > Annual Audits > 2022
The Auditor also delivered a separate Management Report and a third document. Those documents are apparently the "meat" of the audit and, most likely, tell the board what's being done incorrectly.
Will those ever see the light of day? Should the Board be transparent with the homeowner-Members of the HOA and give them the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?
Or should the homeowners just be told that everything is going along smoothly and that there is nothing to worry about? In other words, "pay your dues, sit down and shut up."
The Board is well-insulated from the homeowners, because the homeowners do not elect the Directors of the Board.
Directors are elected by the Voting Members. I believe that the HOA does not have any legitimate Voting Members, because NO Neighborhoods are holding the required Annual Neighborhood Meetings.
Those who are in office now have a solid lock on their seats and on who fills empty seats. Actually, there is an empty board seat right now, because in November 2022 Dennis Rybicki vacated the seat held by the late Paul Hill (whose term runs until November 2023). Following the By-Laws is really, really simple, if you can read.
You'll see seven people (six directors and one imposter) at the front of the room each month, but one of them is not there legitimately. The reason? Too many directors (five, instead of four) were elected in November 2021, thanks to shenanigans at that time.
Which one is the illegitimate board member? It's either Justin Martin, Greg Thomas, Mary Ann Game, Brenda Bryant, or the vacant seat of Paul Hill. (It's not automatically the vacant seat, and it is not automatically the newcomer to the board.) The HOA's attorney should determine how the board should proceed to remove one of the five.
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