The Treasurer Replies

I must admit to an error I made yesterday.

When I published my article about the HOA's financial statements, I predicted it would take the Treasurer only minutes to respond to me.

I was wrong. It took him until 7:02PM to send me the following message, which he copied to all of the original recipients, who are Board Members and members of the Finance Committee.

"First and foremost, you might want to temper your words when it comes to Gus and his rhetoric. Second, we are now and have always been IRS, and Business compliant. Third, we are in rock solid financial position. We will not be doing an additional audit. We do our annual audit, which was done already, anymore would be financially irresponsible. We are not in the practice of addressing Gus or his twist on things. Bottom line up front BLUF. We are fiscally compliant. There are factors that Gus and his minions do not understand or realize that make fiscal financial responsibility more.complex than the naked eye can see. We follow all regulatory, moral and ethical practices and standards. The problem is we have too many chefs in the kitchen and this is causing confusion, so I will be mitigating these issues MTF.

Where does he go wrong?

Why would he presume to tell (warn? threaten?) other Board members and committee members to "temper" their words about me?

"have always been ... Business compliant"? Not if he means complying with the By-Laws.

Dismissing a forensic audit (by a completely independent accounting professional). Keep in mind that he is only the Treasurer. He does not speak for the Board. And he definitely doesn't speak for the Voting Members, who could remove any and all of the board members and put in Directors who might be interested in the results of a forensic audit.

"Gus and his minions"? Do I have minions? Really? Merriam-Webster defines a minion as "a person who obediently serves or works for a usually powerful person or organization."
I haven't noticed any of those hanging around me.

My "twist on things"? Does he mean my referring to facts?

Is complying with the By-Laws (elections, appointments, accurate and complete Minutes, etc.) included in "regulatory, moral and ethical practices and standards"?

What does "mitigating these issues MTF" mean? MTF - short for Male-to-Female? Monday-to-Friday? His sentence is meaningless. 

The HOA's Treasurer, Vernell Butler, declines to answer any of my questions about financial operations, constantly stating that I am a resident, not a Member of the HOA. On that, he is correct. If you wonder about some of the same errors I have been raising, email him at  Perhaps he'll answer you. Good luck!


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