Four Directors elected tonight

Four directors were elected to the HOA's Board of Directors tonight.

Brenda Bryant (Fawn Ridge) was re-elected.
Linda Potter (Founders Ridge) was elected.
Greg Thomas (Summit Hills) was re-elected. 
Danny Trapp (Hunters Pond) was elected.

The election results were announced at the beginning of the meeting, and the newly-elected directors were seated.

Mary Ann Game had resigned from the Board before tonight's meeting and apparently secured enough "signatures" to become the Neighborhood Rep. (Voting Member) and fill the vacant position in Pine Brook.

Justin Martin was not re-elected and turned the reins over to Greg Thomas, who chaired tonight's meeting as Acting President.

Although Art. IV, Section 2 of the By-Laws states that officers "shall" be elected at the first BOD meeting after the Annual Meeting of Voting Members, which was tonight, Brenda Bryant explained that there is language elsewhere that calls for an Organization Meeting within ten days that pertains to the election of officers.

The 2024 board is Brenda Bryant, Vernell Butler, Tanisha Holmes, Linda Potter, Dennis Rybicki, Greg Thomas, and Danny Trapp.


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