Will Special Board meeting be broadcast?

When the HOA's new Board of Directors meets tomorrow night, November 14, will it broadcast the meeting on Zoom?

The Board will be holding a Special BOD meeting for the purpose of electing officers - President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Perhaps other business will be on the agenda. Maybe the 2024 Proposed Budget?

The officers should have been elected last Tuesday at the first regular meeting of the board after the Annual Meeting of Voting Members. They didn't do so, likely for one or more of several reasons:

- the Board was not familiar with the By-Laws;
- CAMS (the professional HOA management company that is supposed to provide expertise to the Board) didn't advise them that the By-Laws required them to do so;
- the Board has not done so in the past;
- in the past the board has elected officers in a private, pre-board meeting;
- in the past the board has just continued with the same officers as in the prior year.

Should ALL meetings (Regular and Special) of the BOD be announced and open to Members?

While the HOA is not a "public body", it operates on behalf of 2,480 homeowners. If the HOA stood alone, it could be the size of a small town with a population of 5,-6,000 people. With an annual budget of $1¼ Million and $2,000,000 in the bank, shouldn't meetings of the governing body be open?


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