HOA's Neighborhood Committee Dissolved

An early action taken by the new Board of Directors (BOD) of the HOA was to dissolve the board's Neighborhood Committee. That committee has already been removed from the listing of Committees on the HOA's website.

That action was taken after the November 7th Regular Meeting of the BOD and done possibly at the private Organizational Meeting held on November 14.

It was at that Organizational Meeting that officers were elected, Greg Thomas' resignation was announced, and Vernell Butler resigned after he was not re-elected by the BOD as treasurer.

Should the board have disbanded its Neighborhood Committee? The board's committee is not the same as the Neighborhood Committee required under the By-Laws for each of the 28 Neighborhoods of the Association.

When Jesse McClinton was appointed as Chair of the board's Neighborhood Committee in October 2021, I had hoped that he and that committee would work with each of the 28 neighborhoods to help them come into compliance with the By-Laws. That never happened.

Because of the importance of Article V, Section 3 of the By-Laws, the BOD should facilitate the compliance of the By-Laws. Some of the Voting Members feared that Jesse would try to run or control the Voting Members. That wasn't his job. Perhaps many of the board members then and even Jesse didn't understand what his "job" really was.

The Voting Members are a critical element of the HOA. They must be duly-elected, and that only happens when each neighborhood conducts an Annual Neighborhood Meeting and elects a Neighborhood Committee, which then selects the Neighborhood Representative/Voting Member. 

That has not happened in this HOA for years! A Voting Member s(CM) erves for one year. It's not a lifetime appointment. It's not  perpetual. A VM can be re-elected, but it's not automatic.

The previous BODs have not given any importance to that requirement of the By-Laws. For some of them, it ensured their re-election. 

I am optimistic that the "new" board will correct that serious oversight and will promptly begin taking steps to correct it. 

The BOD should probably resurrect its Neighborhood Committee and appoint a Chair who understands that "getting signatures" is not a bonafide method for choosing a Neighborhood Representative and who will lead the 28 neighborhoods to comply with the By-Laws.


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