Voting Member Meeting - Tonight. To Elect 4 Directors

Will tonight's HOA election of directors be legitimate? Will the HOA President and HOA Secretary ensure the integrity of the director-election process?

Preceding tonight's HOA board of directors meeting at 6:30PM, the 2023 Annual Meeting of Voting Members (VM) will be held at the Brookland Baptist Church Northeast. Only Voting Members, the HOA President, and the HOA Secretary attend this VM meeting.

Only legitimate Voting Members should attend. Only legitimate Voting Members should be allowed to vote for four directors tonight.

There is one way, and one way only, to become a legitimate Voting Member. The procedure is described in the By-Laws in Article V, Section 3.

At tonight's meeting a quorum of the HOA's 28 Neighborhoods must be represented by its legitimate Voting Member or Alternate. A quorum is 15. That's 15 legitimate Voting Members.

Will the HOA President, who conducts the meeting, and the HOA Secretary, who keeps the Minutes of the meeting, enforce this quorum requirement?

What if each attending VM had to sign the following Certification? How many would stay?


I, the Undersigned, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that I am the legitimate Neighborhood Representative (Voting Member) of the _______________________________ Neighborhood of The Summit Community Association, Inc. ("Summit HOA"), and that I was selected by the Neighborhood Committee which was elected during an Annual Neighborhood Meeting on or about ______/_____/  2023  2022 (circle one), at which a quorum of the homeowners of the Neighborhood was present.

I am eligible to attend the Annual Meeting of Voting Members on 11/7/2023 and to perform all the duties and responsibilities of the Neighborhood Representative (Voting Member) including, but not limited to, voting for directors at that meeting.


______________________________    __________________________________
Printed Name                                                     Date



* If you became a Neighborhood Representative (Voting Member) by "getting signatures", you are cautioned not to sign this Certification. Please consult the By-Laws (Art. V, Section 3) for the correct procedure to become a duly-selected and legitimate Neighborhood Representative.


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