Why is CAMS so slow?

Several documents are missing from the HOA's website and should have been published by now.

- October 3, 6:30PM BOD Meeting Minutes
- October 3, 8:00PM BOD Meeting Minutes
- September 30 Financial Operating Results
  2022 Annual Audit, Pages 1-2

There were two BOD meetings on October 3rd. The Regular meeting was held at 6:30PM. A Special meeting was held about 8:00PM to discuss two management contract bids. That discussion should have been held in public at the 6:30PM BOD meeting. Remember, it was the "old" board at that time.

The October 3rd Minutes were approved on November 7th. The Minutes should have been published on the website the next day, November 8. They weren't. And they weren't published on November 9 or November 10.

The September 30th Financial Operating Results were part of the October 3rd Minutes. There is no reason they should not have been published also on November 8, except it doesn't seem to be very important to CAMS that the homeowners (Members of the Association) be informed promptly.

The CAMS office has not responded to my request that the missing Pages 1-2 be added to the published 2022 Annual Audit. It took two months (from August 9th to October) for CAMS to make the 2022 Annual Audit available and to upload it to the website. I noticed Pages 1-2 were missing when I did not see the name of the Auditor or her accounting firm named in the Audit.

The HOA incurred unnecessary legal expense in obstructing access to it. The HOA's own rules (By-Laws) and state law were obstructed by the "old" board. I can guess who gave the orders not to make it available.

The "new" board can be expected to be more responsive and transparent with records and Member requests. 

CAMS should have pointed out to the "old" board that it was violating its own rules (By-Laws) and state law. After all, doesn't CAMS claim on the homepage of its website that its "... team has the experience, knowledge and specific industry expertise needed to provide the highest level of service and trusted guidance to your community. Our community management team is made up of local experts available in each of the areas we serve"?

Perhaps CAMS did advise the "old" board. If it did, why did the "old" board disregard that expert advice?


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