Voting Member Meeting - 11/7/2023

The Annual Meeting of the Voting Members was held on November 7, 2023, prior to the 6:30PM start of the Board's regular November meeting.

I arrived at the church at about 6:15PM and entered the meeting room. Quickly, I was politely asked to step out into the hallway, because the Voting Member meeting was still in progress. There was no way to tell, because no sign had been placed on the door.

There appeared to be more than 35 people in the room. The only people who should have been in the room were the eligible Voting Members (or Alternates), and the HOA's President and Secretary. Only one representative of each neighborhood should have been in the room. If the Voting Member was there, the Alternate(s) should not have been. Allowing only eligible voters in the room would have preserved election integrity.

But there were others in the room, too. Members of the Nominating Committee were there. There was no reason for them to be there. Their work had been completed.

When it was time to count the votes for the four directors, the counters sat at tables in the hallway, where people were waiting for the BOD meeting. They should have been in a private room with quiet and without distractions. Who supervised the counters and safeguarded the ballots?


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