2022 Budget - what is the correct revenue?

What is the correct 2022 HOA revenue from Current Assessments (dues)?

According to the Approved 2022 Budget, Current Assessments are $1,262,250. At $510/home, that means there are 2475 homes in The Summit.

But wait! On April 5, 2022, Treasurer Vernell Butler informed the Board and audience that there are 2800 homes in The Summit. If there are, shouldn't revenues (at $510/year) be $1,428,000?

$1,428,000 - $1,262,250 = $165,750

At $510/home, are 325 homes missing from the rolls of the HOA?

There must be a logical explanation for the error. But why didn't anyone ask?

As Treasurer, why wasn't Vernell the first to notice the discrepany? 

$165,750 isn't chump-change. It is 13% of the Budget. Will the HOA embark upon a search for the 325 homes that are missing from the inventory of homes, so that they can be properly assessed and the dues collected from them?

Vernell has told me how proud he is of his Ph.D. (his "doctoral", as he calls it) and his DBA. In fact, he emailed me on March 2nd, "Get your DBA like me then talk numbers".

One reliable source told me there are 2480 homes in The Summit. At $510/year, the revenues ought to be $1,264,800 (not $1,262,250). Where is that $2,550 in the total revenues?

There must be answers to questions like these. Who knows them?


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