Tonight's HOA board meeting - what a Hot Mess

Tonight's HOA Board meeting was a MESS. The board leadership (that would be Justin Martin, the President) does not have a clue how to run a Zoom meeting. It is the president's job to run the meeting, not to sit back and watch it run off the rails.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to run a Zoom meeting. It does require organizational skills and decision-making skills. 

I'm not going to give them the solutions to everything that was wrong. I'll sell it to them, but that Board would not buy a Lottery ticket from me, if I told them it was worth $1,000,000.

Justin let too many people just ramble on and on. Many of them should have been re-directed to committees; e.g., the people who thought the HOA ought to create shelters for kids at school bus stops. That should have gotten ONE MINUTE of Board time; not 8-10 minutes.

Vernell Butler had some classic things to say about being a steward and general, worthless words about the condition of finances ("in good shape" and "best interest of the community" and other non-specific garbage that didn't tell anyone anything). Then Vernell launched into having contacted somebody (the County?) about more traffic lights on the Parkway to slow speeders. Dumb idea! Oh, and people "flying through and hitting children in crosswalks." That belonged in the Safety Committee, not in a Board meeting discussion.

Then there was misinformation about homeowners' attending board meetings. Vernell said one thing (does he expect to be the next president?) and Justin said something else. Just last month, according to the March 1, 2022 meeting Minutes, homeowners can only attend monthly meetings by invitation.

And then Vernell said everybody (homeowners) is invited.

So many people talked at times that nothing could be understood; yet Justin never took control of the meeting or told them to mute themselves and speak only after raising their hands and being recognized.

There were wrong comments about what the CC&Rs allow, as far as homeowners attending meetings. (The CC&Rs do not say that homeowners cannot attend.)

Vernell made an unsupported statement that it is a "scientific fact" that face-to-face meetings are better than virtual meetings. 

If a Parliamentarian had had an airhorn and had blown it every time the meeting was out-of-order, everyone would have gone home deaf.

The May meeting will be in-person. Voting Member Mike Bryant stated more people have been attending Zoom meetings than ever attended in-person meetings. Jeff Lummel said in-person meetings are better.

Why not broadcast in-person meetings on Zoom? The School District figured that out. County Council figured it out. A couple of smart people could figure it out for the HOA.


  1. Angela in the office informed me by email that the only meetings held by zoom were the annual meeting!!


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