Finance Committee - tonight? 6:30PM

The HOA's Finance Committee was scheduled to meet at 6:30PM today. Did it?

Finance Committee members are, according to the HOA website, 
Vernell Butler, Treasurer, Chair*
Paul Hill, Co-Chair*
Michael Bryant
Auby Dellinger
Mary Ann Game
Billie Jones
Jeff Lummel
Norm Stewart

On April 10th I went through the board-approved 2022 Budget with a fine-tooth comb and identified numerous errors.

I offered to attend tonight's Finance Committee meeting, and Vernell rejected my invitation. Why would he, the Treasurer of the HOA, not want to know about errors in the budget?

The biggest error involves 18.3% of the budget - $230,570. That's the amount listed under Salaries. The problem?

The HOA has NO EMPLOYEES. How can you have Salaries in the budget when there are no employees?

Apparently, it has been that way for years.

* At the December 2021 board meeting, President Justin Martin appointed Vernell Butler and Paul Hill as Co-Chairs of the Finance Committee. Board Minutes since then do not reflect any change in the co-chair appointments of the Finance Committee. How did Vernell become Chair?


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