How open are monthly board meetings?

At the March 1, 2022 board meeting a question was asked about whether board meetings are open to homeowners. You'll be surprised at the answer.

Look at what the Minutes have to say about that. Near the end of the first part of the Minutes, the following information appears under "New Business".

""It was questioned whether homeowners are allowed at board meetings. It was stated board meetings are for board and voting members and it was decided that meetings will remain closed to homeowners unless invited. It was suggested that this should be corrected in The Scoop."

Two thousand four hundred fifty (2450) homeowners should rise up and with one voice scream, "NO WAY".

First of all, meetings have never been closed to homeowners. So what's up with "will remain closed"?

The HOA is not a secret club. It is a South Carolina non-profit corporation. 

When I first moved into The Summit (Janaury 2018), I began attending Safety Committee meetings and board meetings. I noticed right away, at board meetings, that there were many questions to be asked of the board. At meetings I asked some of them. When answers were not clear and forth-coming, I filed a complaint with the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs. When the HOA responded, its letter contained some statements about me that were not true.

My complaint was a good one, but the SC DCA could not take any action because the legislature did not authorize the DCA to investigate the issues I raised. I have included the HOA Attorney on many of my emails to the Board. I understand fully that he cannot communicate with me without the HOA's authorization. Of course, the Board won't give it.

Then Justin and George decided to ban me from board meetings. Every month The Summit Scoop announced "Board meetings are open to ALL Summit residents." ALL, except Gus Philpott. Then last summer somebody changed the wording in The Scoop to "Board meetings are open to ALL Summit homeowners."

And then, on March 1st, "it was decided" (the Minutes do not say there was a vote by the Board) that homeowners could attend only by invitation. Does anyone understand the lie about "will remain closed"?

You only pay $510/year. Ten bucks a week. A couple of trips to Starbuck's. So who cares? Why care? But 2480 homeowners pay $510/year, and now we are talking about some real money. That's $1,264,800. Now do you care?


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