HOA Office Phone STILL Not Working

The main phone number for the Summit HOA is STILL not working. How long ago did that number stop working? December???

The main number is 803.865.0609. Call it. You'll get the disconnect message.

At tonight's HOA Board meeting Justin ran down AT&T. Too bad that AT&T didn't have an executive listening in. Justin laid off the blame for the phone line problem on AT&T, but that's not how I heard it several weeks ago.

I heard that there was a third-party provider involved with phone service. As I heard the story, when the office tried to switch providers to save money, that's when the problems arose. Somehow, the main phone number had to get back to AT&T, and now it will be ported over (transferred to) Spectrum. I also heard somebody is going to be on the hook for $1,000, but that didn't get mentioned tonight. 

The office is operating on a temporary number of 803.409.9976


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