More Traffic Lights on Summit Parkway?

 Do you want more traffic lights on Summit Parkway?

If you attended last night's Zoom meeting of the HOA board of directors, you heard Vernell Butler say he had contacted the County about new traffic lights.

Why would he do that? To slow down speeders and "people flying through hitting children in crosswalks."

First of all, traffic lights don't slow down speeders.

Secondly, has there been even one child hit in a crosswalk on Summit Parkway, struck by someone "flying through"?

And why is Vernell sticking his nose into the speeding problem on Summit Parkway? The HOA's Safety Committee has been addressing that issue for four years, and Vernell isn't even on the Safety Committee. 

The proper procedure would be for the Safety Committee to look into whether more traffic lights are needed. If it concludes there is a benefit, then the Safety Committee should bring it up to the board and request authority to contact Richland County Roads & Drainage Division or the County Council. 

If Vernell is interested in more safety on Summit Parkway, he should have gone to fellow board member Paul Hill, chair of the Safety Committee.


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