HOA Board - Afraid of CAMS?

Is the HOA Board of Directors afraid to tell CAMS what to do? And afraid to call them on it, if they don't do what they are told to do?

The HOA pays CAMS somewhere north of $200,000/year to manage the HOA. 

Let's start with the Crime Reports from the Richland County Sheriff's Department. The page on the HOA website where you can read the monthly Crime Report is found by clicking on "Public Service Announcements" on the HOA's website.

The last report published on the website is for December 2020

Several times in the past year-and-a-half I have suggested to the office that an up-to-date Report should be posted on the HOA website. The Safety Committee wasn't able to persuade RCSD to resume providing them. I tried and failed, even after making a personal visit to RCSD to request it be sent to the office and to the Safety Committee. 

The Minutes of the June 9, 2022 HOA Board Meeting state that the RCSD Crime Report will be posted on the website. 

Before the Board meeting on June 9, RCSD did provide a Crime Report to the office. It was for the period March 14, 2022 to May 27, 2022. The Report was four printed pages. That's all? In the past, the monthly reports were three pages. Has crime dropped that much?

Checking the footer of the Report, I saw that the first page showed "Page 2 of 9". The other three pages were Pages 4, 6 and 8. A-ha. The Report was actually NINE (9) pages. Somebody (at RCSD? or at the office?) didn't recognize that the Report was printed two-sided. 

On June 12 I emailed the office and suggested they get the full report and post it. (No reply.)  On June 21 I emailed a Second Request and copied the Board. No reply.

Today is June 26. The most-recent Report on the HOA website is still the December 2020 Report.

At 9:00AM today the above RCSD vehicle was in Barony Place II. Maybe the deputy just stopped by for coffee and a donut. Or maybe he was taking a report.


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