Speed Signs. Worth the money?


Are these sign worth the money?

The Summit HOA is considering the purchase of two of them. They'll have to get County permission to erect them on Summit Parkway, but the HOA will pay for them, not the County.

The reason they work on Trenholm Road in Forest Acres and Arcadia Lakes that there are police officers who write a lot of tickets there. Drivers know to obey the posted speed limit.

How would they work on Summit Parkway?,

As a former police officer and deputy sheriff with motorcycle patrol experience, let me tell you why I think speeders WILL NOT slow down on Summit Parkway.

There is virtually no speed limit enforcement by Richland County Sheriff's Department or the South Carolina Highway Patrol.

Yes, occasionally we'll see deputies on the Parkway. And maybe even RCSD's special Traffic Unit. But they have hundreds of miles of roadway to patrol. We get some of their time; not a lot. As soon as they leave, speeds go right back up.

The HOA is considering the purchase of two signs. The cost? One estimate I've heard is $22,000 each. If anyone knows the correct cost, speak up.

My opinion? The HOA is about to waste a lot of money. If you agree, be sure to inform your board members BEFORE they spend the money.

What can you do about speeders on Summit Parkway? Drive the speed limit yourself. Not 5 over. Not 10 over.  And use both lanes. Don't get bullied into moving over, just because some lead-foot driver behind you is riding your bumper, honking his horn, flashing his headlights at you. Or waving at you with that special one-finger salute.

Let him by, when it's safe. Get his license plate number. Remember the car's make, model, color. Get a look at the driver's face, if you can. If it's really bad, call RCSD and give them the information. 

They won't do anything, but you'll feel better.


  1. I've provided the math in the past showing it would be cost effective to hire an on duty deputy through the RCSD & pay in full all expenses through ticket income for the service.

    1. Q. Should such a deputy have a quote?
      A. No, let him write as many tickets as he wants to.

    2. A deputy in the bushes with a radar gun and two deputies on motorcycles could write about 20 tickets an hour. Denver cop Buster Snyder, working alone, set a record for about 100 tickets in an 8-hour shift.


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