June 2022 Board Meeting. Rybicki succeeds Hill

The Minutes of the June 7, 2022 HOA board meeting report that ten (out of 28) Neighborhoods were represented by Voting Members and/or Alternates. That's an improvement. But still, Barony Place was not represented.

If you are a homeowner in Barony Place, please consider offering up some time to help Voting Member Billie Jones. Contact her now. She will appreciate your offer. Barony Place now has NO Alternates.

Read the Minutes on the HOA website. They are more descriptive than they have been in quite a while.

Having said that, read down to Justin Martin's email about the appointment of a successor to the late Paul Hill.

Justin's May 5, 2022 email to the board members demonstrates an ABSOLUTE VIOLATION of the By-Laws. This is just one more example of Justin's inability or unwillingness to comply with the By-Laws.

On May 5, 2022 (two days after the May 3 board meeting was canceled and one day after a so-called executive session was held), Justin wrote that he had spoken with Dennis Rybicki about filling the vacancy that was created by Paul Hill's death. He informed Dennis that he (Dennis) could fill Paul's position and be elected "for-real" in November. Justin said his email serves as "documentation" that the board had appointed Dennis to fill the position until November 2022.

That is NOT how it's done. The By-Laws state clearly how an appointment is made.

First of all, it should have been done in PUBLIC session, not in a secret, private, what the board calls "executive session", where no Minutes are recorded and published. Executive sessions are commonly held by public bodies, such as government and school boards, for a limited number of qualified reasons, and the rules are that NO ACTION can be taken in executive sessions. No appointments. No "agreements" about anything.

The May 3 canceled board meeting was first announced as "to be re-scheduled", but it never was.

At a public meeting, Paul's term should have been declared Vacant. Then the board should have formally considered Dennis as Paul's successor. The board should have voted, and the vote should have been recorded.

Paul's term, to which he had been re-elected in November 2021, was a TWO-YEAR term, ending in November 2023. When Dennis was appointed as Paul's successor, it was to Paul's unexpired term-of-office, the period of time remaining in Paul's term. That is to November 2023. The next date when the term to which Paul had been elected comes up for a vote in November 2023.

Justin can't play the hokey-pokey or Musical Chairs with a term of office. As a matter of fact, George Reynolds' term has never been declared Vacant. The unexpired term-of-office of the late George Reynolds has never been filled. That term expires in November 2022. Terms-of-office are fixed; the occupants are not.

Justin Martin either does not understand the By-Laws or he is unwilling to comply with them or he just ignores them. As President of the HOA, he should know the By-Laws better than anyone else.

If Dennis Rybicki was legitimately appointed to succeed to Paul's term, then he serves until November 2023, and he does NOT stand for election in November 2022.


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