June HOA Board Meeting

The HOA held an-inperson board meeting last night at the Brookland Baptist Northeast Church. Six board members were present (Mary Ann Game was absent) and two CAMS employees aingttended.

Several Voting Members were present, along with homeowners, bring the total to about 25.

The church has a Mask requirement, and masks were available to those who hadn't brought them. All but two in the audience wore masks, and one board member wore his.

All the usual topics came up; speeders, parkway lighting, landscaping, entrance appearance (front (Clemson Road) vs. back (Hard Scrabble Road). 

I may have been the only one who had trouble hearing. Probably too many days at the pistol range and too many miles on the motorcycle, but new Board Member Dennis Rybicki spoke up so that all could hear. It's those low, soft, quiet, genteel voices that are hard to hear.

Two new complaints surfaced.

Even though the pools haven't been open long, there are problems with the pool monitors, who apparently don't "monitor". There were large numbers of people at one of the pools, and the monitor was not checking ID cards. There were reports of the smell of marijuana and kids' climbing over the fence.

A suggestion was made to broadcast the in-person meeting on Zoom. The topic was discussed at length with, of course, no decision being made. What would have been better would have been to direct a board committee (or form one) to explore what it would take to do that. Instead, everyone went away and nothing will be done.

The usual one-hour meeting dragged on until 8:15PM. After the 7:30PM mark, people began talking among each other, even on the board. A good rule in a meeting is that one person speaks and all the others listen.

The attendance could double next month, if homeowners decided now to attend and invited at least one neighbor to attend with them. Next month's meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2022, 6:30PM at the church.

If you can't hear, speak up. Ask for the person speaking to speak loudly and clearly enough to be heard.


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