Upkeep of Common Areas - Part 3


Here's the third island in Barony Place II. This one is between 32-34 Barony Place Circle.

Bushes and trees were damaged during the ice storm. Isn't this ugly?

Homeowners in Barony Place II contribute $23,460 to the HOA every year. That's $510 for each of the 46 homes on Barony Place Circle. (In the 2022 Budget $230,570 goes for Salaries; the HOA has NO employees. You might want to ask Treasurer Vernell Butler about that.)

Shouldn't this have been restored to the expected level of maintenance by now? Why hasn't it?

Because the HOA office staff does not keep a close eye on it or take the initiative in managing the restoration. And the Board certainly doesn't drive through? So who does?

What can you do? Make your voices heard.

Contact your Neighborhood Representative. Better yet, join with her and become an Alternate on the Barony Place (I & II) Neighborhood Committee. 

It may be of interest to you to learn that improvements on the three islands are NOT scheduled on the master plan at the office. Why not? 

Without a Plan, without a deadline, nothing happens. That's why they look the way they do.

Show up at the July 12th board meeting. 6:30PM at the Brookland Baptist Church Northeast. Demand that the Board of Directors pay attention to Barony Place II. Get a commitment for action. There is plenty of money. Money is not the problem. Management is the problem.


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