MUST you attend a Neighborhood Meeting?

The By-Laws of the HOA provide that every Neighborhood in The Summit should have a Neighborhood Meeting every year.

Why is that?

Because the election of the Neighborhood Committee and selection of the Voting Member is critically important.

It is the Voting Member who represents your interests when the Board of Diretors acts. YOU don't vote for a Director. Your Voting Member does. The Voting Member should be informing homeowners about candidates for Directors every year and seeking input before casting votes on behalf of the homeowners. When was the last time you were asked for your choices?

Must you attend the Neighborhood Meeting? The answer is No.

Just like you don't have to go to the polls and vote in the Primary (June 14, 2022) or vote in the National Election on November 8, 2022. You don't have to vote, but you do have to live with the results of the election.

Barony Place (the combination of Barony Place I and Barony Place II) contains 78 homes.

A quroum for a Neighborhood Meeting is 1/3, or 26 homeowners. These 26 homeowners vote for the homeowners who are nominated for the three-member Neighborhood Committee. That Committee serves for one year. It's not perpetual. It's not a Life Sentence. 

If you don't attend, you get to live with the choice that is made for you.

One of the three on the Committee becomes the Voting Member, a/k/a Neighborhood Representative.

Nor can the Voting Member hang onto the role forever. Or trade places with another Committee member without a Committee meeting and decision, which should be reported formally to the Board.

The Board of Directors has ignored its obligation to see that the Neighborhoods (now, 28 of them) were holding Neighborhood Meetings and Neighborhood Elections. At every election, incumbent Directors "got a little help from their friends"; i.e., the "friendly" Voting Members who didn't make any waves. Or, at least, who seldom did.

My guess is that few Neighborhoods have legitimate Voting Members, because they have not had the required annual Neighborhood Meetings and Elections. 

Is Voter Fraud happening right here? Right in front of your eyes?


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