What is a Neighborhood Meeting?

What is a "Neighborhood Meeting", and why is it important?

The By-Laws of the HOA state that every Neighborhood is to have a Neighborhood Meeting annually. That's every year. (I know you know what "annually" means, but the Board must not.)

The Summit's HOA is comprised of 28 Neighborhoods. Barony Place Neighborhood is Barony Place I and Barony Place II. There are 78 homes. Twenty-six homeowners (of the 78) constitute a quorum. There appears to be no prohibition against granting a proxy, if you cannot attend or don't wish to attend.

The Board of Directors of the HOA has seven members. Four directors are elected in one year, and three are elected the next year. And it rotates like that, four and three. Or it is supposed to.

You, the homeowners, do NOT elect the Directors of the Board. Directors are elected by Voting Members. Every Neighborhood has one (1) Voting Member. Barony Place has one Voting Member.

How is the Voting Member selected?

At the annual Neighborhood Meeting, those present hold an election. They elect a three-member Neighborhood Committee. A homeowner can be nominated, or a homeowner can self-nominate. 

Don't worry. If you don't show up for the meeting, you will not be elected in absentia.

From the three homeowners who are elected to the Neighborhood Committee, one becomes the Voting Member. The other two are Alternates.

That doesn't sound too difficult, does it?

So, why isn't the Neighborhood Meeting held every year, as required in the By-Laws?

Reference: By-Laws, Art. V, Section 3. Neighborhood Committees

Future topics:

Do you HAVE to attend the Neighborhood Meeting?

What are the duties of the Voting Member?

Why is the VM so important?

What makes the VM's job easier?

How long does a VM serve?

How does Election Fraud occur in a HOA?

What happens when a Director dies in office?

Neighborhood Communications.

What happens if a VM stops serving (gets sick, gets tired, gets sick & tired; dies; moves)?

How "financial" should directors be?

What would you like to know? Email gusphilpott@gmail.com


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