Upkeep of Common Areas
How long should homeowners tolerate the low level of maintenance given to common areas in Barony Place II?
Earlier this year there was an ice storm that damaged trees and bushes in Barony Place II and in many other areas of The Summit.
Why hasn't the HOA restored the areas of damage?
The HOA is sitting on about $2,000,000 in cash and reserves. Collecting $510/year from EACH of 46 homeowners in Barony Place II produces $23,460/year to the HOA. More than enough to restore the three islands in Barony Place II without invading reserves.
Should all 46 homeowners start calling the HOA office every day or so and emailing the seven board members to get their attention? The office will tell you, "Submt a Projects request". Wrong answer. Don't fall for it.
Tha damage on the three islands should have already been fixed.
Why hasn't it been?
And why isn't the grass lush and green? Why has the lack of watering occurred? Who pays attention to Barony Place II?
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