Classic Voter Fraud at the SCA?

Is Classic Voter Fraud occurring right under your noses?

How do I define "Classic Voter Fraud"? Here it is ... when people who are not entitled to vote, do vote. Pretty simple, eh?

Is that occurring at The Summit Community Association, Inc. (SCA), the formal name for the Summit's HOA?

It starts with the Voting Members. According to the By-Laws, the Voting Members elect the Directors. Where do the Voting Members come from?

Every one of the 28 Neighborhoods in The Summit is to hold an Annual Neighborhood Meeting of the homeowners. Barony Place (Barony Place I & II) has not held a meeting in more than five years! Is yours? When was it?

At that Annual Neighborhood Meeting, an Annual Election of a Neighborhood Committee is to be held. Three homeowners are to be elected to the Committee. One of the three becomes the Voting Member for the next year. It's a one-year term, until the next Election. For one year, only. It's not a lifetime appointment, like the Supreme Court.

No Annual Neighborhood Meeting? No election. No Voting Member. This means there are no qualified electors to vote in the next election of Directors of the SCA, held every November.

But every year people, who refer to themselves as Voting Members, are called together by the Board (which doesn't really exist - legally), and an election of Directors is conducted.

No legitimate Voting Members? No one to elect Directors. Thus, no Directors are elected.

State law requires a nonprofit corporation to have a board of directors. (S.C. Code of Laws ¶33-31-801(a) - "Each corporation must have a board of directors". It can be understood that this means a legitimate board of directors. The SCA doesn't have a legitimate board of directors! And hasn't had, for years.

With no legitimate Board of Directors, there is no one to elect Officers. Without officers, there is no President. No Vice President. No Secretary. No Treasurer.

But there are people claiming those offices. Ex., Justin Martin, President. Mary Ann Game, Vice President. Greg Thomas, Secretary. Vernell Butler, Treasurer.

What do you call people who claim an office but who are not legitimately in that office?

Who signs the contract with CAMS? Who signed the Special Duty Agreement with RCSD? Who gives orders to CAMS? Who selects the landscaping company, which is paid over $400,000/year? Who is responsible for $2,000,000 in the banks?

I have complained to the Board for more than three years about non-compliance with the By-Laws. Its response? "You're not a homeowner. We don't have to listen to you or do anything you say."

True, true, and true.

But what is the risk in not correcting what they have been doing wrong? The risk is still there.

If I see a bank being robbed, but it's a bank in which I have no money, should I report the robbery? Will the cops ask, "Are you a depositor?" Or should I just shrug my shoulders and say, "I hope a depositor will call the police"?


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