Where is the 2022 Annual Audit?

The 2022 Annual Audit of the Summit's HOA was presented to the Board of Directors at its monthly meeting on June 6, 2023.

That Audit has not yet been published on the HOA's website. Why not?

Did the Board's last-minute cancellation of the July 11th board meeting have anything to do with the withholding of the 2022 Annual Audit?

Is the news that bad?

The Auditor, Becca Brendle, also handed in a Management Report and another document, which are separate from the Audit. They probably contain the really bad news, and those documents will probably never see the light of day, if you aren't on the board.

The Audit could have been posted to the HOA's website by the CAMS personnel in the office on June 7th. 

If you are a homeowner, contact the HOA President or the HOA Treasurer or the CAMS Association Property Manager for The Summit. Ask for the Audit.

President, Justin Martin. JDMartinscx@gmail.com
Treasurer, Vernell Butler. VernellButler88@yahoo.com
CAMS Prop. Mgr., Angela Adleman. AAdleman@camsmgt.com


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