Who handles the HOA's Cash & Reserves? Legally, I mean.

The Summit's HOA has approximately $2,000,000 in several banks. Who is in charge of that money?

Is it CAMS? Is it Justin Martin, the President of the HOA? Is it Vernell Butler, the Treasurer of the HOA?

HOA Minutes are silent. And the Minutes are exactly where the information should be.

Most HOA Members (homeowners) should know by now that large blocks of money were allowed to sit at embarrassingly-low interest rates for far too long. Whose responsibility was it to alert the Board that the HOA was losing money every month.

That would be the Treasurer. And the CAMS property manager.

Who are the signers on the bank accounts? If you look at the Board Minutes, you'll never find the answer.

Who is authorized to move the money from one bank account to another?

If you look at the Board Minutes, you'll never find that answer. Those decisions are not made in public; ex., at monthly board meetings.

Where are those decisions made, if they are made at all? In the private, secret "pre-board" meetings that are held a week before the public monthly board meetings.

How should money be moved from one bank to another? By direction of a board vote at a public monthly meeting. Documented in the Minutes and with the proper, legal Banking Resolutions.

But that isn't how this board operates.

Why doesn't CAMS inform the Board of the proper procedures to do business? Or does it? Does the board refuse to follow CAMS' suggestions?

More homeowners should show up at board meetings. Homeowners (Members of the HOA) should tell the board to stop wasting so much time at board meetings with B.S. and to actually conduct business in the open.

Some board members get diarrhea of the mouth and ramble on and on, ad nauseum. And homeowners sit there like sheep.

If there were any legitimate Voting Members, they could call the Board on its drivel. But there aren't any legitimate Voting Members. No Neighborhoods are having the required Annual Neighborhood Meetings and Annual Neighborhood Elections. 

The Board allows that non-compliance with the By-Laws to continue year after year, because then board members are secure in their assumed positions as board members. They aren't really legal board members, because they was no one to elect them legitimately.


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